
Alone Quotes

Men was formed for society, and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to do it.

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The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.

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Part of our tradition as black women is that we are universalists. Black children, yellow children, red children, brown children, that is the black woman's normal, day-to-day relationship. In my family alone, we are about four different colors.

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One cannot live on potatoes alone. It is said that one wants bread with potatoes. And when there's no bread, a Jew takes his stick, and goes through the village in search of business.

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I think what's exciting about playing a villain - particularly a villain who's totally unapologetic about their evil intentions - is that it's not anything remotely like what you get to do in real life. You're never allowed to be evil and not feel bad about it afterwards, let alone be evil, period.

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Why can't everybody leave everybody else the hell alone.

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First, everyone hits on Sidharth Shukla. I've seen it. He is the complete package. But this is also a problem. The girls don't leave him alone.

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Say not that honor is the child of boldness, nor believe thou that the hazard of life alone can pay the price of it: it is not to the action that it is due, but to the manner of performing it.

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An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.

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For so long as the Jew has even one ally, he will be convinced - in his smallness of mind - that his salvation came from that ally. It is only when he is alone - against all of his own efforts and frantic attempts - that he will, through no choice, be compelled to turn to G-d.

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Too many Christians have a commitment of convenience. They'll stay faithful as long as it's safe and doesn't involve risk, rejection, or criticism. Instead of standing alone in the face of challenge or temptation, they check to see which way their friends are going.

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I'm not against divorce, but I do believe it's really not a joke to find a life partner. In fact, better be alone and take your time rather than complicate things.

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Art makes us feel less alone. It makes us think: somebody else has thought this, somebody else has had these feelings.

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They fail, and they alone, who have not striven.

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David - the man after God's own heart - was a man of war and a mighty man of valour. When all Israel were on the run, David faced Goliath - alone... with God - and he but a stripling, and well scolded, too, by his brother for having come to see the battle.

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When I'm doing a movie, I'm not doing anything else. It's all about the movie. I don't have a wife. I don't have a kid. Nothing can get in my way... I've made a choice, so far, to go on this road alone. Because this is my time. This is my time to make movies.

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Once a disease has entered the body, all parts which are healthy must fight it: not one alone, but all. Because a disease might mean their common death. Nature knows this; and Nature attacks the disease with whatever help she can muster.

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I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me dreaming of being a movie star.' But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.

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To stand up on a stage alone with an acoustic guitar requires bravery bordering on heroism. Bordering on insanity.

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It took living alone for me to really get to know myself.

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