
Leadership Quotes

The things journalists should pay attention to are the issues the political leadership agrees on, rather than to their supposed antagonisms.

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Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, no matter what the project.

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The leadership lost its nerve. Instead of taking the lead in the reform movement... they pulled the plug on it. They tried and are still trying to return the church to the dry ice of the previous century and a half.

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We need leadership in this country, which will improve the lives of working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. We need leadership which brings our people together and makes us stronger.

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How the hell can I ask people who work for me to travel cheaply if I travel in luxury? It's a question of good leadership.

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One of my core philosophies of leadership is valuing opinion and growing ownership within the group. That means that we have to hear opinions.

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If you have small-government, traditional values, you may be considered by your own leadership to be an enemy of the state.

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The one thing that the President can do is to establish a real energy independence plan. We have all the recources we need right here in this country to establish energy independence if we had the leadership.

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One civilization after another has been wrecked upon the attempt to secure sufficient leadership from a single group or class.

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I think it is quite dangerous for an organisation to think they can predict where they are going to need leadership. It needs to be something that people are willing to assume if it feels relevant, given the context of any situation.

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President Bush has shown great leadership. He has said that the 21st century will not be ruled or dictated by terrorists, dictators, and murderers. He is absolutely right. God bless him for his resolve.

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You have to enable and empower people to make decisions independent of you. As I've learned, each person on a team is an extension of your leadership; if they feel empowered by you they will magnify your power to lead.

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Talent? Overrated. Leadership? Underrated.

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I think that's what's thrilling about leadership - when you're holding onto literally the worst possible hand on the planet and you know you're still going to win. How are you still going to win? Because that's when the character of the company really comes out.

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We're trying to take a leadership role in solving the nation's health-care crisis. We want everybody in this country to have health insurance.

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One of my beliefs about leadership is it's not how many followers you have, but how many people you have with different opinions that you can bring together and try to be a good listener.

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The day after Donald Trump was elected, Chinese business leaders, including the heads of Baidu, stood up and gave a speech saying, 'Come to China and build your company now.' The cognitive dissonance of that was amazing for some of us to think we might be losing our leadership role in building companies.

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I would say that one of the things that encouraged me so much when I became elected to the leadership was the letters I received from fathers of daughters, saying that, 'My daughter can now do many more things because of what you did.'

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When Labour leadership challenger Jess Phillips urged men to 'pass the mic' to a woman on the top job, telling Sky's Sophy Ridge it would 'look bad' if Labour failed to elect a woman, she more or less admitted not being up to the job.

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We need real leadership, Democrat, Republican and independent to stand up and say, we have to live within our means.

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