
Society Quotes

In a patriarchal society like ours, women have to fight hard for a seat at the table. Boys are privileged over girls from birth. Equal opportunity and access for both girls and boys must become the norm.

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If we want technology to serve society rather than enslave it, we have to build systems accessible to all people - be they male or female, young, old, disabled, computer wizards or technophobes.

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I don't think theatre has changed; it's society that has changed.

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If we start treating addiction as a public health issue, with more compassion, and without the criminal element, our society will be better off and violence and public safety will improve as a result. We'll also be taking a big step in taking down the prison-industrial complex that disproportionately harms communities of color.

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The penetration of society by the Internet and the penetration of the Internet by society is the best thing that has ever happened to global human civilisation.

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How much we need, in the church and in society, witnesses of the beauty of holiness, witnesses of the splendour of truth, witnesses of the joy and freedom born of a living relationship with Christ!

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I would say that no film is apolitical. There are politics in all films. Any film that is anchored in a society, any film that deals with humanity is necessarily political.

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Good governance takes behavior that is negative or not helpful to the greater good of society, whether it's polluting behaviour, plastics, or whatever, and taxes the behaviour.

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The winner of the hoop race will be the first to realize her dream, not society's dream, her own personal dream.

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The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society.

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I think that every child grows up with the ideas that what we are given, is our society. Your education, and your mother and father, they tell you this is how it is, but then you hit adolescence and you think, 'Is it? Why? Why is it like that?' Sometimes that questioning leads to something more.

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Though neglectful of their responsibility to protect science, scientists are increasingly aware of their responsibility to society.

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If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.

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The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of society.

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We live in the kind of society where, in almost all cases, hard work is rewarded.

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Every fundamentalist movement I've studied in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is convinced at some gut, visceral level that secular liberal society wants to wipe out religion.

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The essential support and encouragement comes from within, arising out of the mad notion that your society needs to know what only you can tell it.

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I'm really not interested in other people's opinions, because I think frankly most of those opinions are either misinformed and adding to this endless ball of hot air we have in our society where everyone thinks their opinion is valuable and sacred and what counts.

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Two things form the bedrock of any open society - freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don't have those things, you don't have a free country.

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We have to take our democracy back. We cannot leave it to Facebook or Snapchat or anyone else. We have to take democracy back and renew it. Society is about people and not about technology.

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