
Space Quotes

When time and space and change converge, we find place. We arrive in Place when we resolve things. Place is peace of mind and understanding. Place is knowledge of self. Place is resolution.

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Major actions by courageous and wise men will be necessary to avoid our continuing to blunder into the space age like unenlightened and selfish idiots.

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I tend to prioritize emotional realism above the known laws of time and space, and when you do that, it's inevitable that strange things happen. Which can be quite enjoyable, I think.

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Find joy and solace in the simple, and cultivate your utopia by feeling the Tao in every cubic inch of space.

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The original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can communicate through sharing information.

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My favorite room in my house is my bedroom; my private space where I can go to do my reading or listen to music.

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As photographs give people an imaginary possession of a past that is unreal, they also help people to take possession of space in which they are insecure.

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It truly is a privilege to work and to live here, and to be able to do both makes this just a really unique experience. And so as the only rookie in the group, it was really an honor to become a part of an expedition and see what it's like to fly the International Space Station.

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Even in empty space, time and space still exist.

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It's an international space station. We have crew members from both the U.S. and Russia and now the United Kingdom with Tim Peake from the U.K... It's great to see that, on this space station, that we can work across cultures in a very cooperative way.

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The whole world appears to me like a huge vacuum, a vast empty space, whence nothing desirable, or at least satisfactory, can possibly be derived; and I long daily to die more and more to it; even though I obtain not that comfort from spiritual things which I earnestly desire.

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Jupiter, Pluto, pick a planet: we can go there. I just got a bit more work to do in the music industry, and we're going to space, baby.

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I always begin a room with the rug; it is literally the foundation of the space. I then go on to the furniture.

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Not only does the title 'We're Here' highlight the fact that me, Shangela, and Eureka are here, but we as a queer community, we were already here. We were already existing in your space before these drag queens showed up with a big purse bus.

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Geez, all that money we waste on space exploration; just think how many bombs that would buy!

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Theatre is a sacred space for actors. You are responsible; you are in the driving-seat.

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You live in the image you have of the world. Every one of us lives in a different world, with different space and different time.

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Be exactly who you are. You can fit in any space you see yourself in. Be fearless.

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I think that autistic brains tend to be specialized brains. Autistic people tend to be less social. It takes a ton of processor space in the brain to have all the social circuits.

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Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you're not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn't planned or counted on.

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