
Technology Quotes

Even when you take a holiday from technology, technology doesn't take a break from you.

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Refuse to accept the belief that your professional relevance, career success or financial security turns on the next update on the latest technology. Sometimes it's good to put the paddle down and just let the canoe glide.

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Readers probably haven't heard much about it yet, but they will. Quantum technology turns ordinary reality upside down.

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Decentralized consensus technology will reach the mainstream when products are built that both empower consumers to take control of their own data and also offer users great UXs.

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Things go wrong for me all the time with technology. I'm not familiar enough with it, and I'm too old-school a brain to be able to figure it out. I'm dumb. Anything that I have to attack with my thumbs, for any period of time, makes me feel stupid. So, I try to avoid it, as much as possible, to protect my thumbs.

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In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, undecided between studies of chemistry and physics, but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me.

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All of technology, really, is about maximizing free options.

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In any discussion of technology, you hear the same argument: You can't turn the clock back and you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Maybe not. But there are steps we can take to limit the social harm caused by this industry, just like we do with others.

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Silicon Valley does not breed great technology. Instead, the smartest people from around the world tend to move to Silicon Valley.

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As we talk with candour, we open the doors to new possibilities and new areas of cooperation in advance in democracy, in combating terrorism, in energy and environment, science and technology and international peacekeeping.

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Once upon a time, sound was new technology.

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People don't want to believe that technology is broken. Pharmaceuticals, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology - all these areas where the progress has been a lot more limited than people think. And the question is why.

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I am quick to adopt new ideas. If there is something good, I will follow it and implement it. I adopted information technology in 1985.

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I love solving puzzles, I love finding my way around obstacles, and I love learning new things about technology.

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As with so many sectors of the economy, technology is transforming the retail banking sector.

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We are witnessing a seismic change in consumer behavior. That change is being brought about by technology and the access people have to information.

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I never viewed technology as a replacement for the human experience. I viewed it as something that could liberate the human experience.

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Scientists at MIT and engineering schools all across America say that they could improve the fuel economy standards for the existing set of vehicles by 10 miles per gallon using existing technology, without compromising safety or comfort at all.

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You know, everyone is always talking about plastic surgery, or the technology, what to do. I really think it's important to help yourself with the technology if you want to feel better, but I am absolutely against any kind of monstrous cuts of the body, lifting that is beyond recognition, this kind of stuff.

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I think it's brought the world a lot closer together, and will continue to do that. There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.

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