
Karen Pence quotes

Find out what works for you, whether it's exercise, gardening, prayer, cooking, reading or any other activity that engages you and your family in positive acclivities and plan these activities into your day.

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One of the things we say... is, 'Do what you know helps you.' And so for me, that might be painting. For other people, it might be gardening. It might be baking or cooking. It might be reading.

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For us now, with the kids gone, we like the unconditional love you get from a pet.

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We'll always have some kind of pet.

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I taught second grade for years before I became an art teacher, and I would always encourage the parents to get some kind of pet that their children had to take care of, because I think it teaches responsibility. And caring for an animal is just a good experience for kids.

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We're just pet people.

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