
Thom Tillis quotes

When officers' actions violate their duty, justice should be served in accordance with our legal system.

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Democrats creating the expectation that judges should act as politicians in robes is a dangerous precedent to set, threatening the very independence of the judiciary.

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It is critical that special counsels have the independence and resources they need to lead investigations.

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I want to create an economy where minimum wage is a very brief stepping stone to higher-paying jobs so people can realize their dreams.

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You can't put a gun in the hands of someone who represents a danger to themselves or society.

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We don't classify all doctors as incompetent because of the infrequent instances of medical malpractice. We don't use the example of one bad teacher in our children's school to draw a negative conclusion of the entire teaching profession. We should apply that same rational standard when it comes to how we view law enforcement.

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