
Peace Quotes

Conflicts are multiplying - people are suffering. But we don't give up, because we know every man, woman, and child deserves a life of peace.

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Palestine is the issue, and until this issue is resolved, there can be no peace.

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The study of the art of motorcycle maintenance is really a miniature study of the art of rationality itself. Working on a motorcycle, working well, caring, is to become part of a process, to achieve an inner peace of mind. The motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon.

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I feel beautiful when I'm at peace with myself. When I'm serene, when I'm a good person, when I've been considerate of others.

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The Republican party is not inflamed, as some would fain have the country believe, against the South. Its borders are wide enough for all truly loyal men to find within them peace and repose from the din and discord of angry faction.

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Even a total and universal disarmament does not guarantee the maintenance of peace.

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We must learn how to live in the space of inner peace in our everyday lives. This takes consistent, conscious effort because I know so many black women are hurting and sad, and we don't easily express our heartache or show our wounds.

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I never come back home with the same moral character I went out with; something or other becomes unsettled where I had achieved internal peace; some one or other of the things I had put to flight reappears on the scene.

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If the history of the past fifty years teaches us anything, it is that peace does not follow disarmament - disarmament follows peace.

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Even during the worst hardships, when the other things in our lives seem to fall apart, we can still find peace in the eternal love of God.

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The threat today is not that of the 1930s. It's not big powers going to war with each other. The ravages which fundamentalist political ideology inflicted on the 20th century are memories. The Cold war is over. Europe is at peace, if not always diplomatically.

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I just absolutely needed the theatre so desperately - it was my fate; it was where I was running towards. It was the place where I found peace and survival and all kinds of things.

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Peace, unity, love, and nonviolence should be our rallying cry and the catalyst for change in our nation.

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The price of peace is righteousness.

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The word 'Islam' means 'peace.' The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' But the press makes us seem like haters.

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We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.

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To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

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Peace has its victories no less than war, but it doesn't have as many monuments to unveil.

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We're not going to cure terrorism and spread peace and goodwill in the Middle East by killing innocent people, or I'm not even saying our bullets and bombs are killing them. The occupation that they don't have food. They don't have clean water. They don't have electricity. They don't have medicine. They don't have doctors.

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Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.

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